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Violeta Romo Norquist

Carlos Chávez:
from Musician to Politician


Carlos Chávez was one of the most emblematic musicians during the twentieth century. He was a talented pianist, composer, and orchestra conductor, but he was also a politician who played a central role in the construction of governmental institutions and programs for the fine arts. From playing the piano in movie functions to founding orchestras or directing the composition workshop in the National Conservatory, in this presentation we will explore the social, political, and cultural repercussions of his career and life. 




Violeta Romo received her B.A. in History in 2017 from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and her M.A. in Modern and Contemporary History from Dr. José María Luis Mora Research Institute, in Mexico City, where she is currently enrolled. She has taught history courses in public and private schools and universities. She has participated in multiple research projects and has published articles on historiography, history of music, and history of education in specialized magazines and books. She is currently doing research for her doctoral dissertation on the history of motherhood and family planning in Mexico during the Twentieth Century. 

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